- 作家名
- 二代 田辺竹雲斎
- Artist
- Tanabe Chikuunsai Ⅱ
signed original box, bamboo water container
Tanabe Chikuunsai Ⅱ(1910-2000, Meiji43-Heisei 12)
Born in Sakai city, Osaka. Trained under his father Tanabe Chikuunsai since he was little. Given artist name Shochikuunsai from Chikuunai Ⅰ when Chikuunsai Ⅱhad his first exhibition in 1925. In 1930 became a member of Naniwa Ranyukai group which is a group of noted bamboo artists in Osaka. Naniwa is another name of Osaka. Awarded Teiten in 1931 for the first time, awarded other exhibitions,Teiten, Shin-bunten, Nitten after Teiten. Assumed the name Chikuunsai Ⅱwhen Ⅰpassed away in 1937. Changed from weighty Karamono(Chinese style baskets) basket to open-work and other light feeling styles. In 1952, received a Tokusen award in the 8th Nitten Exhibition. In 1959, awarded the Osaka Prefectural Arts Prize, and in 1981, the Japanese government awarded him the Fourth Rank Zuiho-sho. Gave the name Chikuunsai to Chikuunsai Ⅲ and took the name Icchikusai.